
After 28 years of representing Featured Recording Artists and Sound Recording Copyright Owners across the world, AARC's operations have ended.
Future collections and distributions ​of home taping/private copy/lending royalties will be administered by our friends at SoundExchange. ​Existing SoundExchange members ​can opt-in for Private Copy collection, via the Membership Summary section of SXDirect. For all others, please register with SoundExchange to ensure continuity in your private copying royalties collection and distribution.
What was AARC?
AARC was a small organization, spun from the Recording Industry Association of America, to administer music royalties collected under the United States Audio Home Recording Act of 1992. This fund compensated artists, writers, publishers, and sound recording copyright owners for the loss of sales due to home private copying. Originally, the royalties were fueled by blank CDs and CD recorders, and adapted to newer technology later on.
AARC remained a small company from 1993 to 2021, with a small staff, most whom dedicated their careers long term to AARC. AARC's small staff, along with hundreds of college interns and law clerks, ensured this small royalty was administered to the hundreds of thousands of participants represented by AARC. They were called the AARC Angels, as they administered royalties that were normally managed by companies 10x their size.
Thank you to Linda Bocchi, Rick Seltzer, Mike Stern,
Bree Jonmaire, Sarah Koons, Evan Schefstad, Emma Curry, the Board of Directors, and countless students for their dedication.
​To our participants - It has been an honor representing you over the past 28 years.